Christian opens the show and congratulates Randy Orton on winning the World Title. Christian talks about his rematch at Over the Limit. Sheamus and Mark Henry both come out, wanting Christian's title shot. Christian gets attacked until Orton makes the save. Sheamus and Henry vs. Orton and Christian is made for later.
* Sin Cara defeated Daniel Bryan. Once again, Chavo Guerrero was on commentary. Chavo distracted Bryan before Cara's win. Cara saw what Chavo did on the big screen and shoved him out of the ring.
* Layla came out and talked about Michelle McCool being gone. Michael Cole came out and started putting Layla down. Kharma comes out, lays out Layla and chases after Cole. Cole hides in his Cole Mine.
* Kane beat Wade Barrett by DQ when The Corre interfered. Ezekiel Jackson ran down and made the save for Kane but got beat down by The Corre.
* The Great Khali and Ranjin Singh come out for the kiss cam. Jinder Mahal comes out, smacks a cowboy hat off Khali's head and gets in his face before leaving.
* Backstage showing Christian and Randy Orton getting ready for the main event.
* Backstage segment with Wade Barrett challenging Ezekiel Jackson to a match with his title on the line at Over the Limit.
* Cody Rhodes comes out and cuts a promo and then defeats Ted DiBiase.
* Randy Orton and Christian beat Sheamus and Mark Henry in the main event. Christian got the pin to end the match, described as one of the best tag matches on SmackDown in recent memory.
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