Woo Woo Woo, You Know It!
First off, there’s been a high demand for this wallpaper via Facebook and Twitter, so for all of you who wanted it, here it is! 

Never in a million years would I have expected that catchphrase to be something fans would chant at WWE events. Seriously. Zack Ryder, to me, was just another generic wrestler back when he was with Edge as part of La Familia / Rated [R] Entourage. Before that he was one-half of the Major Brothers with real-life brother, Curt Hawkins. Ordinary tag-team, but talented nonetheless. But when he came out with the one-legged long tights and the goofy colorful getup I labeled this dude as a dud and never, ever expected him to be someone the audience would actually draw-up signs for. Damn, was I wrong!
He’s still insanely goofy, no doubt, but he’s now a talented, clever one who created a spotlight just for himself via his YouTube show. Pretty smart on Ryder’s part. So he becomes a YouTube sensation and now, finally, he’s regularly on WWE TV and has a cult following. And I have nothing against him looking like a cartoon character. Heck, some of the greatest superstars were real-life “cartoon characters”. Macho Man, Ultimate Warrior, Junkyard Dog, etc. It’s so cool to see Ryder be Ryder and have fun and be somewhat of an old-school-coated superstar with a new-school online social-network vibe going for him. I really, really hope WWE doesn’t keep him stagnant in a spot until fans grow tired of him. It’s great to see that he’s slowly climbing up the ladder. A shot against Dolph Ziggler is a pretty good deal if you ask me. He may not have to win, but a shot is a shot, and getting some PPV time is always a good thing.
Anyway, I figured since there’s no wallpaper of the YouTube sensation, now’s the best time to have one, plus all your messages and emails kept asking for it so yes, I did it.
The wallpaper is made possible by VKM and the cool people over at WCFR.com! So download this first-ever wallpaper of Zack Ryder titled ‘Ryder Revolution‘ on the Unchained Wrestling Network. If you’re not down with that, I’ve just got 4 words for ya’! “Are you serious bro?!”

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